


“絆” is a kanji that means a connection between people. We value KIZUNA (絆) and create new value. The Japanese “NO” included in KIZUNANO COIN means “OF” in English. KIZUNA NO COIN means COIN OF KIZUNA. Aiming to become the most famous Japanese cryptocurrency in the world.

Next-generation blockchain theory that overcomes the shortcomings of Bitcoin and achieves its own highly expandable evolution. It is attracting attention as a pioneer of technological innovation in digital currencies in the future. Bitcoin‘s characteristic “blockchain” and “mining” have problems with scalability. If the volume of transactions and the owners of Bitcoin increase, the approval speed at the time of mining will slow down, delay in remittance will occur, and fees will also increase. Even in Ethereum, the gas fees were the highest and had a great impact on the decline in Bitcoin price. If these things continue to happen, the practicality of Bitcoin and Ethereum is questionable.

Shape Low fees(低料金)

・Minimal transaction fees. Sending kizunanocoin is so economical that microtransactions are economically feasible.(送金手数料は安く設定されています。気軽に何回でも送金できます。)

・You can send money quickly(早く送金出来ます。)

・You can send money to anywhere in the world (世界中のどこにでも自由に送金することができます。)

KIZUNACOIN FAMILYでは、コミュニティを作成し、クリエイターを集め、つなぎます。
つながることが楽しい ダイレクトに支援するのコンセプトを元に、SNSの特性を活かしてクリエイターを支援することです。




・コントラクトアドレス (Contract) : 0xe789d56a43ba6db5236f1121fc73acfffa728c74
・トークン名(Token Name) : KIZUNANO COIN
・シンボル/ティッカー(Symbol) : KIZN
・小数点 (Decimals) : 6 桁
・Total Supply:20,000,000,000 (200億枚 20 billion)

